Monday, November 25, 2013

One layer at a time.....

I am so not where I’m supposed to be. Do you ever have that feeling? I’m having it constantly lately. I have a sense of urgency to create. I have these creative ideas right now regarding remodeling our house, of crafting etc…..and I feel like I have absolutely no time to do anything.

I’ve also had thoughts of how I can give back to the community. How I can take my creative juices my talents and use them to give back. I have found several new blogs (new to me) about women taking up the ole power tools and creative, building and redecorating themselves. I find that I enjoy doing that too. Where others hate to paint, I love it. I loved making the plank wall with my Dad. I love tearing walls done and starting with a new slate. 

But what can I do. I have an 8-5 job. Sure I’m working on paying bills down in hopes to be able to leave this job. But is that smart with a daughter going to college in less than four years? I don’t know. I think it would be cool to flip houses. Don’t get me wrong, I know it would be a lot of hard work, frustrating at times and all. But I think it would be so cool to see a project like that from start to finish. Or even to help someone work on their home and the happiness they would have after the project was complete.

I read a lot of different blogs. But I’m finding that some of the DIY blogs are all about the latest and greatest trend. In fact I think some have even created the trend. But I’m finding myself leaning towards the unusual. The use what you go to make it look natural, funky, rustic, classic. I would so love a farm house and everything right along with it. Are they dreams or should you make them happen.

 Have faith, step out, take a leap of faith….I can’t help but think of the scene in Indian Jones Last Crusade where he takes a leap of faith and you don’t think anything there but there is that path……

oh how I wish I could take that leap of faith and my path be there. Until then I will just continuing to peal back the layers......

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